Skye's Mind

Inlägg publicerade under kategorin Exsisto

Av Skye - 7 juni 2012 18:33


14 years ago it must have been. The start of this particular journey. Yes, it has changed with time, yet the straightness of my paths have been the same. Loops here and there, sidetracks and bumps. However always with the sight ahead. Straight. Tender steps. Humbleness.

I found it again – a set of keys forgotten. I locked them up in a box of memories and let them fade there with “things to keep”.

Now, “things to keep” only to hold them in boxes, grow into weights on shoulders without conscious thought.

And here they are reinvented into my brain. Lightening almost, over my mind’s sky – pushing the cloak away from my self.



And another look.  

HA! Yes I do!

See, I would have loved to chitchat with Leonardo da Vinci, but I presume that a chat with him would have not been as I expect. Mostly because most of his work has been understood after his death, and theories have sprouted and sprung from all things he created. He was remarkable without a doubt, but was he aware of all that he did? I wonder.

Leonardo da Vinci is said to have been the ultimate multi-tasker: an accomplished scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician, and writer. He wrote the 7 steps, which should bring one into the mind of “How To Think”.

The first is Curiositā. Curiositā is an “insatiably curious approach to life and unrelenting quest for continuous learning”.

Great minds have one characteristic in common: they continuously ask questions throughout their lives. Leonardo’s endless quest for truth and beauty clearly demonstrates this. What makes great minds different is the quality of their questions. You can increase your ability to solve problems by increasing your ability to ask good questions. Like da Vinci, you should cultivate an open mind that allows you to broaden your universe and increase your ability to explore it.

Here are some ways to apply Curiositā:

- Keep a journal. Bring a journal wherever you go and use it often. Write your ideas and thoughts there. Try to write several statements a day that start with “I wonder why/how…”

- Observe according to a theme. Choose a theme and observe things according to the theme for a day. For example, let’s say you choose “communication”. For the entire day, observe every type and instance of communication you come across. You can then record your observations in your journal.

- Stream of consciousness exercise. Pick a question and write the thoughts and associations that occur to you as they are. Don’t edit them. The important thing is to keep writing. This is also referred to as freewriting.

Ahh yes. Of course I remember.

It is time to do it again and bring you with me.

Cindy, Cebhfhionn, Tyria Atea & Eleine

Skye Awen /|\

Av Skye - 6 juni 2012 07:15

There is nothing that says that blood is thicker than water when it comes to the people you have around you. Since the family you're born in to, isn't necessarily the group of people that are  b e s t  for you, this is even more important.

When people have the opportunity to create and use power over others, there are those who cannot control it and manipulation is taking over the instinctive response to Love and Need.

Make sure that you're with the Right ones.

And the "right" ones are the people you  c h o o s e  as keepers and supporters of your health, your Mind, and your heart in the moments when you're naked and broken. You need to be able to  t r u s t  that they will be there when you need them to. Without trying to change and judge you, without captivity of your spirit, and without the need to keep you broken.



Av Skye - 5 juni 2012 22:45

It took time to understand in what ways I could give of myself, having "nothing". It was years wasted on running through the motions of what others defined as "something".

"I have No voice"

"I have No worth"

"I Am Nothing."

"Others" opinions were running through my veins until my Mind and my thoughts all projected completely different pictures inside me. I was Breathing. I was Known, and I could Speak. I was Worthy of everything I could Think of. I just needed keys. I needed options. I needed ways out. I needed a Will and a Choice.

I looked inside when people threw their hands at me. I closed my eyes when my world fell apart. I stopped listening when the words I heard only came with hate, bitterness, and hurt. I stopped breathing when my dreams came crashing down.

For a while I had to tremble between the urge to live and the wish to die. I feared sleeping for the horror of never waking up again. In the same breath I broke to pieces in the morning having to face another day.


Inside me a whole other scene was playing. My future was within me, ready to be what I wanted it to be and I couldn't believe it at first. Little me. The Nothing. So I took a breath and brought nuances to my dreams. I took another breath and created a solid foundation. My upbringing stole all I had, but I found .. not something I had, but I found what I am.

I grew past it. I rose up through it. I got stronger because of it. But it was not for Nothing.

It was for E v e r y t h i n g.

Because I inspire, motivate and help people. That's why I'm here. I push, I probe and I get into people's businesses, because the world need people to See, React, and Choose. I look at people's Light, their capacity to Love, and the way they can show Compassion - and I do all I can to support it.

I believe. I b e l i e v e in the personal Power every person possess, HOWEVER I also respect people's choices of NOT using, engaging or restoring their own free will. We all have our purposes. We all choose what this Purpose is. 

I believe that I am a better person when I do what I can with what I have; wherever I may be. As long as I am active in my Life - in the creation of my Future, in the giving of my Soul.



Av Skye - 18 maj 2012 02:15

Tidigare i kväll träffades vi hemma hos oss för lite psykometri, snack och trevligt sällskap. Att min väninna Lisa kunde träna sina förmågor och komma över sitt dåliga självförtroende var faktiskt riktigt roligt. Psykometri innebär att man avläser ett föremåls historia genom att röra vid det.. Människor kan mer än de tror och om man skapar rätt atmosfär kan nästan vem som helst stoppa tårna i grytan och få till sig otrolig information som de "omöjligt" kan veta. Detta erfarade både Lisa och mina kusiner. Vi använde fotografier på människor som den andra inte kände till och lyssnade spänt på den oftast helt korrekta information som flödade igenom. Både Dennis och Jessica borde få en eloge för detta! Bra jobbat!

Att både jag och Lisa sakta men säkert knyter ihop våra färdigheter är desto roligare. Ett steg i taget till fullspäckat schema. Det kommer att bli awesome!

Tack för en jättetrevlig kväll Lisa, Carro, Johannes, Dennis, Jessica och Sofia!




[.. ~ ♥ Love ♥ ~ ..]
Even what seems Random goes in Patterns.
Paradoxes glue every Illusion together.

~ Skye ~

Fråga mig

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