Skye's Mind

Direktlänk till inlägg 7 juni 2012


Av Skye - 7 juni 2012 19:25

I have been, by friends and others, called many things in my untiring "path" about Love. It is quite funny in my own Mind; that a path so unlimited by all senses even has a name. That not every person in its all innermost Thought has the ability to recognize such a free-flowing state of existence.

Love in my understanding is not about the formation of previous Romanticism; nor is it based in the foundations of philosophies that - just like Epicureanism would be considered - speak of it as desire of bodily pleasures. In that same sense, it's not even Buddhistic seeking ones Mind to release into No Mind, where the Consciousness is seemingly so Vast that if you experience this Love - this Connection - it is suddenly not a Love at all; where we as Humans with our 4D environment are seemingly unable to recognize it.

I'm not even a Hippie [winks] as this world previously have seen;

with linking Love ---> Peace ---> freedom of drug use ---> open relationships ---> sex.

That wouldn't be Love to me either. Love as I have experienced it doesn't need tools to be Acknowledged; it doesn't need physical bodies to be Released. It doesn't need anything but the Allowance to be Connection formed into Thought. When grabbing at it to seemingly try to find it, to me, seems decreasing the chance of being so utterly Enthralled by it. Love to me is a Connection developed outside our frames of appearances where Nothing we do inflicts our ability to Experience it. Like an evergoing pattern of Connectivity; existing outside of Time.

It's to me a form of Energy boost; that when Enhancing its touch, it creates a will inside us to reach further or deeper. As if when we previously had a Need to Change, Love embraces us into a Will to Change. Not for power struggles or ego centrical shoot offs; but rather a feel of Invincibility and Connectivity, to Life, and People and.. Universe even.

Love embraces us to Immediate Thought; and Immediate Emotion; where we naturally respond to it BEFORE running it through our Ego and what we Need or Expect. Like a Raw, Pure, and Omnipotent Response.

It acts like a Mirror and enhances the same Response in others - like ripples; not a thing given, not a boxed concept but rather a free flowing and undeniable Reflection of "Truth".

Between two people, it indeed creates an environment where the two are constantly in Thought; interactions entwined Independant upon distance, time, or place. The completeness exists before Choice, because Love embraces outside of Time; and it exists as a foundation for being. Not what I expect, but what IS, regardless of my expectations. 

It is that which naturally combines us, completes us, creates us, manifests us. Once a connection has been established through recognition (and Awareness) it seems to be an unbroken chain of Connectivity; where each step is a re-newal of previous firing and wiring of Energy.


To me, Relationships allow us to Share and Grow, Inside ourselves - if it is based upon Love. Love doesn't have to be manifested in partner relationships only.  I have a Love for my children that is just as deep.

Through me, I ALLOW Love to emanate because I REALIZE that I am in and of Love.

Like You.


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Tyriea atea

8 juni 2012 20:24

Du e så duktig på att skriva!


9 december 2012 15:37


    Kom ihåg mig



Av Skye - 9 december 2012 15:49

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Av Skye - 16 juni 2012 13:52

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     14 years ago it must have been. The start of this particular journey. Yes, it has changed with time, yet the straightness of my paths have been the same. Loops here and there, sidetracks and bumps. However always with the sight ahead. Straig...

Av Skye - 7 juni 2012 17:33

Jag är  a s f ö r b a n n a d. Därför sitter jag här och kollar citat om Ilska, istället för att låta helvetet bryta allt sönder och samman. GRR. Jag vill inte prata om det, jag vill inte diskutera det. Det är kommunicerat. Jag hade rätt och är så jä...


[.. ~ ♥ Love ♥ ~ ..]
Even what seems Random goes in Patterns.
Paradoxes glue every Illusion together.

~ Skye ~

Fråga mig

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